Your Leadership

Your Norm-Setting Behavior

You can have the world's best job as a leader. Experience deep satisfaction by breathing life into ideas and seeing them transformed into meaningful results – together with dedicated colleagues.

Leadership can also be heavy and lonely. Even though leadership is fundamentally about collaborating well with others, many leaders find themselves as frustrated soloists.

When you and I work on your leadership, we meet for confidential conversations about your job and daily challenges. The goal is for you to discover new, effective, and inspiring ways to achieve your objectives. We work "live" during the conversations, where I sometimes provide direct feedback on your communication and behavior as I experience it in the moment. We use models and tools when they can help clarify challenges.

Between sessions, we typically agree on specific tasks or experiments where you gather new experiences in your daily work. If you wish, we can keep a shared confidential logbook where I share my notes from our conversations with you, and you can add comments, new reflections, and learning points.

The goal is twofold: You enhance your performance as an outstanding leader who achieves results together with others. At the same time, you remember to enjoy the privilege of holding a leadership role, so you can take pride in your career with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.


Stay sharp
Coaching is about learning and development, plain and simple. It’s a confidential conversation where all the focus is on you. The goal is for you to light up with enthusiasm and find the drive and courage to fight for your ideas and strategies. Coaching keeps you sharp because you will:

Nothing is too big, too small, or too unusual. It’s just you and your focus on your learning and development.

As a coach, I help you uncover answers you likely already have but haven’t taken seriously enough. Together, we create a space of trust, courage, and openness. In our conversations, you will expand your range of action, but it won’t stop at talking. You will also make decisions, big and small, and test them out between sessions. You might even keep a logbook along the way, making it easy for us to follow up on your specific actions when we meet for the next coaching session.

We incorporate the models and development tools, including tests if relevant, that can help address your specific challenges. Sometimes, we involve your manager, board chair, or colleague to align expectations – either before the first session and/or during a final evaluation.


Bring your communication to life
Impact is about connection and making your message simple and relevant. Connection to the meaningful and important messages you share. Connection to yourself, so you understand how what you say aligns with who you are and the values you live and lead by. Connection to your audience, colleagues, or customers in a way that fosters clarity, intensity, and presence. In working on your impact, I don't aim to change who you are. Instead, I focus on amplifying the communication skills you already have and clearing away habits or misunderstandings that may block your ability to communicate vibrantly. Training is essential for achieving impact. I often use video recordings and always employ the most effective feedback methods. When possible, I observe you communicating in real on-the-job situations where something genuine is at stake. When you connect with your natural, authentic impact, something shifts—for both you and those around you. You communicate credibly and motivatingly, making your message clear and compelling.

360° videomåling

Indtryk du aldrig glemmer

Det får du klarhed over, når du får lavet en 360° kvalitativ videomåling. Målingen gør dig i stand til at skrue op for de dele af din ledelse, der er mest brug for, så du sammen med dine nærmeste samarbejdspartnere kan skabe ambitiøse resultater på en måde, I kan være stolte af.
Metoden er enkelt bygget op. Du udvælger en håndfuld respondenter, som du beder hjælpe dig, ved at bruge en time på at blive interviewet.

Jo tydeligere de er, når de beskriver dig og den måde, de oplever dit lederskab, jo mere hjælper de dig. Kim Fogh optager interviewene på video og redigerer et 20-30 minutters sammendrag af de mest kraftfulde udtalelser. Du og Kim mødes derefter og ser udtalelserne sammen – og taler om, hvilke indsatsområder, der mest effektivt vil styrke dit lederskab. Det vil typisk blive fulgt op af en udviklingsplan, der løber over 6-10 måneder, eventuelt med en opfølgende 360° video-effektmåling med de samme respondenter.

Den velkendte skriftlige 360° måling med søjler, procenter og supplerende kommentarer kan være spændende læsning, der taler til hjerne og intellekt – for derefter at blive lagt i skuffen og glemt.

Leadership Lighthouse´s kvalitative 360° videomåling taler både til hjerne og følelser, fordi billeder af levende mennesker med mimik og stemme har en langt stærkere effekt  i forhold til læring, hukommelse og motivation.  Du får data og indtryk, du aldrig glemmer.

Som en sidegevinst lærer dine respondenter også selv en del af videointerviewet om dig og dit lederskab, fordi de her er nødt til at sætte præcise ord på både det, der fungerer og det, de drømmer om, snart kommer til det. Det gør det naturligt for dem også at reflektere over deres eget arbejdsliv.

Sensemaking interview

Læring stopper aldrig
Kegan's Structures of Complexity of Mind

Som Søren Kierkegaard satte ord på for ca. 170 år siden:  For at hjælpe andre må du starte med at møde dem, hvor de er. Den logik gælder også dig selv. Hvis du vil forstå dig selv i dybden, skal du skal møde dig selv på din hjemmebane: derfra, hvor du kikker ud på verden.

Hvad kan være dit næste oplagte udviklingstrin? For at vide det, skal du afklare, hvor du er her og nu. Det får du svar på, når du laver et Sensemaking Interview.

Hvordan skaber du mening?

Hvilke historier fortæller du om dig selv – og hvordan gør du det?

Hvad er din kernefortælling?

Begrænser den kernefortælling dig? Eller bilder du dig ind, at du lykkes, selvom du måske i virkeligheden ikke er tilfreds?

Sensemaking interviewet fokuser på læring og selvindsigt. Den nyeste forskning viser, at mennesker absolut er i stand til at lære nyt hele livet. Antallet af hjerneceller falder, men vi bevarer vores evne til at koble de tilbageværende til nye meningsdannelser. Vi bruger vores erfaringer til at træffe kvalificerede valg. Måske en anelse langsommere, end da vi var i 20érne, men med større chance for at valgene fører os hen, hvor vi ønsker at være.

Med inspiration fra Robert Kegan og Jennifer Garvey Berger, begge fra Harvard Universitetet, tilbyder Leadership Lighthouse et Sensemaking interview-forløb. Du får klarlagt din Sensemaking-score i Kegans Complexity of Mind-univers og du får input til ny læring der vil styrke din udvikling og ikke mindst historien om hvem du er og hvordan din verden hænger sammen. Derfra ligger vejen åben til nye eventyr.


The essence of sustainable living and good leadership

Responsibility in two sentences: 1) Ask yourself: What can I contribute, right now, in this specific situation? 2) Act on what your answer calls for.

Sometimes the answer is: do as little as possible – to make space for others. Other times, the situation calls for you to be brave, vulnerable, confrontational, creative, etc.

I don’t know anyone who convincingly succeeds in taking responsibility in every single moment of the day. But I do know quite a few who try, consciously and with discipline. They are usually quick to notice when they fall short – and then they can adjust their behavior and communication.

I have a model I use when training leaders in responsibility. I call it the "Dancer/Benchwarmer" model. Briefly described, the model consists of two columns of words. An important point in the dancer-benchwarmer mindset is that we are all both dancers and benchwarmers, depending on the situation, the company, and our state of mind. But we are not forced to be one or the other. We can choose to dance. That’s where we take responsibility.

The dancer sees choices and opportunities. The benchwarmer focuses mostly on excuses.



When we are dancers, we are flexible and don’t give up when a plan encounters unexpected resistance. When we are benchwarmers, we feel discouraged and stuck.

The dancer is present, takes action, and lives out their dreams. The benchwarmer waits.
Until I was in my mid-30s, I was convinced that my mood was dictated by how others treated me. If I was in a bad mood, it was someone else's fault. Today, I know that I – to a great extent – determine my own mood. It’s my responsibility.

Responsibility is contagious – and leaders who succeed in taking responsibility are among the most successful because they inspire a sustainable work culture where achieving results together becomes effortless.

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